Friday, August 28, 2009

perpetual single-ness

In that vein, and in a struggle to prove that I am more substantive than my more successful peers who have gone before me, and used their dating and relationship [lack] of prowess as a foray into the blogging world, I will attempt this list, of the life of a perpetually single girl, sans cat. It was posted on Gawker almost three years ago, and Julia Allison quickly rebuttled. In a display of my perpetual three-years-behind status, and in an attempt to prove that I have the least going on of any hot young bachelorette, here's my take on how you can identify that I am in fact, and probably always will be, single:

Piles of magazines everywhere, comprised of tons of pretentious ones that are clearly untouched and then severely thumbed-through Vogues and Luckys
Um, yup, I've got those everywhere. Mostly because I'm a slob, and I consider "paper mess" to be the kind of mess that won't lead others to believe that you're dirty. I've never read Lucky though, but I did see that it had Vanessa Hugeons on a cover once, which leads me to believe it could be something my low-brow self would enjoy. I've got Vogue, but I'm generally too lazy to read it. I also get Teen Vogue (more my speed), Elle, Nylon (I AM an embarrassment), and I used to get the New Yorker, but you're right I DON'T ANYMORE.
Overflowing shoe rack and nothing in the fridge
I have that thing that hangs over your door, but I only keep flipflops in it. I keep my shoes in boxes. There is stuff in my fridge though - it's beer. (Okay and salsa and a Britta Filter that always inexplicably freezes. Why? I'm not about to turn up the temp though, because the freezing temperatures make THE FOOD LAST LONGER. Genius.)
Scented candles
This is only because it disguises the underlying odor. Also, I don't have any in the bathroom, so can I get some points for that? 
Slovenly heaps of little-used makeups in the bathroom
I interpret the word "slovenly" as a negative word, and I would also like to note that most of my makeup is so "little-used" that it is not even in the bathroom. It's in my closet. I keep more important things in the bathroom, like baby wipes. And beer (this is actually true?). I will concede that there is a small "pile" in my medicine cabinet, but I don't think this makes me single so much as a girl.
Stuffed animals in the bed
I actually do have those, which is making me feel weird about trying to negatively answer all these questions. Shit. I have three. One is on the couch. It's a dachshound. It looks real, and visitors get fairly creeped out by it. My mom bought it for me as a joke. Yes, this is an indication of being defiantly single.
Cat hair on the furniture / cat smell
I don't feel the need to respond to the accusation of cat smells, because I am too poor to have a cat, and if I did, I'd train it to go outside. That shit's nasty.
Cabinets full of mugs featuring the likeness of lady who looks like those hypertrophically-limbed Daily Candy illustrations, bearing the legend "I Love Shopping" or whatnot
I have a lot of pint glasses that I've stolen from bars. One says "Beer is my life." I guess I will count that.
Anything pink
Are girls who like pink more likely to be single than girls who don't? My entire existence leads me to assume it's the opposite, since I only like it in neon form, on leggings, and the only thing pink in my apartment is a bottle of nailpolish. 
Ornamental pillows
Pretty sure those cost money. 
• Unedited bookshelves, esp. if they include He's Just Not That Into You or anything along those lines
Julia provided a fairly pithy response to this, and I can't, because I was an English major. My bookshelf is edited. I have stacks of books that extend past the shelf, too. I'd tend to think this is more of a contributing factor to my single-ness rather than a result of it, however. Who wants to date a smart girl? Psssh. 
I hide this in my windowsill, which I guess is kind of weird now that I think about it. This is really only a holdover from being a swimmer for 14 years - hair removal has become a habit to the point that I feel weird without it. It's not really an indication that I'm aspirational about my sex life. It also took me about a half hour to figure out that was the implied indication, so there you go. 
Lite cottage cheese in the fridge
I've started buying the full-fat because I really only eat one meal a day and it keeps me full. Then I moved this to my work fridge, because I really only eat at work. So no, the answer to this question is no. 
Anything lite or diet around. Cases of Diet Coke. Weight Watchers 'Just 2 Points' bars
Why would I buy diet coke when I could just buy beer? This question is confusing. 
Inspirational or thinspirational things on the fridge
So is this one. I was going to put a picture of someone skinny on my fridge, but I don't have any magnets, so the only thing that's on there is a penguin calendar and a bumper sticker from a New Glarus six pack that I bought this summer. If you are noticing a theme, it's not just you.

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