Monday, September 21, 2009

it would probably be easier if we did this a different way, but...

I have a migraine. It is possible that this is a side-effect from the chemical on the licking strip of all the envelopes I licked today. Regardless of the cause, it feels like someone is driving an ice pick through the top part of my temple into the area behind my right eye, and then slowly pulling it up and drilling it back in again.

When my family implored me to start writing a blog about my year spent "in service of America," and the transition from college to "real life," I, perhaps ignorantly, assumed that I would have more interesting updates to report other than the toll that envelope-licking has been taking on my body and my sanity and my ability to persevere in the face of yet another Mail Merge disaster. But I am an intrepid office worker, and if these minor setbacks are what's required to spend a year in service of my country, then that is what I will do. Some are solving the financial crisis, others are mentoring low-income students, still others are building houses, practicing sustainable farming, or working in food pantries. I am mastering the art of Microsoft Excel, and paying dearly, I might add.